Sunday, July 19, 2009

A Lazy Blogger's Excuse Post

**You'll know when a blogger's gone AWOL if he reposts and then follows that up with an excuse.

A month of absence, and my comeback's a repost. I'm doing it on purpose though. The absence tells me that I'm mostly uninspired, and the repost tells you that I'm really running out of things to write about. I saw A Year in the Life of Joanne Rowling, J.K. Rowling, and it mentioned something very helpful about writing. Writing is, for most writers, some sort of therapy that enables writers to make sense of the world around them. I used to write for the therapeutic value, but getting the hits and the page rank and the paid advertisements blurred that guiding principle and turned me commercial. It was in the height of my sponsored reviews that I started getting deadlines, and then I realized that I'm no longer writing for fun.

Writing and therapy then became two distinct ideas that are suddenly independent of each other. And then I realized that I don't know what I'm doing anymore.
I don't have a laptop, let alone a DSL connection, but a spirited writer with a gushing brimful of inspiration will find a way to post. But I have a plan: I will find a way to get a laptop first, and then I will find a way to get DSL, and then I will write about making excuses like its no one else's business. It might take me about six months worth of installments to own a laptop; owning and getting are two different ideas. And then I will need to suffer about two weeks of poor customer service to be able to subscribe to some third world DSL service they have here in the Philippenis.

I will have a lot of ideas by then, complaints more likely, and I will be so in the zone. At least I have a plan.
What I'm trying to say, really, is that I'm this lazy fag with a real knack for excuses that don't cut it. You're looking at my blog, I'm not sure reading's the right term, and feel free to unsubscribe from my readership. No, please don't.

And I really don't know where I'm getting these hits. Really. Thank you goes a long way, whoever you are!


  1. momel may stalker ka.

  2. Uy hello Bry

    Ano na ulit un new link mo Bry? Thanks again, and thank you thank you for visiting!


  3. Anonymous10:36 AM

    I could not tell if the pun was intended, a simple mishap of keying in the letters or mayhaps a sign of sexual pre-occupation but the last word in your 2nd paragraph has been contemptuously entered and may raise fingers in tumultuous protest.

  4. I could not tell if the pun was intended, a simple mishap of keying in the letters or mayhaps a sign of sexual pre-occupation but the last word in your 2nd paragraph has been contemptuously entered and may raise fingers in tumultuous protest.

    It's actually all three @ Anonymous And I miss you. That choice of words, there's no mistaking it. It is you.


    wala nga lang laman

  6. There you go! What made you move closets anyway?

  7. Anonymous12:52 PM

    And of course, you could be wrong

  8. Anonymous said...
    And of course, you could be wrong

    It would be awful nice if I weren't. Here's to intuition! Cheers!

  9. Anonymous9:31 AM

    If it'd make you write more and better (again) then let's not take your sunshine away.

    Your melancholy deserves its shots of serotonin.

    Here's to inspiration :p !


  10. Anonymous11:30 PM

    Or should I say indulgence?! :p


  11. Inspiration, indulgence, same banana right about now.

    We could be doing this in YM, like in the misleading golden days of old, before that post was even imagined. But then, I don't know.



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